Formation Semestre 9 de l'ENM : weather and climate services.


Semestre 9 de l'ENM : weather and climate services


The expertise you will acquire will meet the growing requirements of climate-sensitive businesses, companies, public entities.
All courses are taught in English.
This semester is open to non-French speakers.

Academic prerequisites

  • Knowledge of scientific calculation and of a computing language to perform it;
  • Skill in statistics used with multidimensional data, e.g. the R language;
  • ENM provide documents and support as a refresher course on Weather and Climate Forecasting for students with no academic background in that specific field.

Admission requirements

Please submit your comprehensive application portfolio (CV/resumé, reasons for applying, official transcripts and grades for the two academic years prior to your application, two reference letters) before 30th April to the initial training department.